Mastering IOP Billing: CPT Codes, Insurance Reimbursement, and Licensing

What is IOP Billing and How Does It Work? IOP (Intensive Outpatient Program) billing involves using HCPCS codes like H0015 (substance use IOP) and S9480 (mental health IOP) to submit claims for bundled daily services. Most insurers require pre-authorization, condition code 92 (for Medicare), and a minimum of 9 hours of weekly treatment to qualify for reimbursement. Proper coding, medical necessity documentation, and adherence to payer guidelines help ensure claim approval and avoid denials.

Understanding Medicaid Billing and Coverage for Addiction Treatment in Minnesota

Medicaid in Minnesota - also known as “Medical Assistance” - is a popular option for many people seeking treatment for Substance Use Disorder in the North Star State.

HCPCS & CPT Billing Codes for Outpatient Addiction Treatment

The two most important codes to understand for IOP are H0015, alcohol and drug services IOP program, and S9480, Intensive outpatient psychiatric services, per diem.

What are Digital Therapeutics and How Can You Incorporate Them Into Your Addiction Treatment IOP?

Digital therapeutics are one of the newest pharmaceuticals available for addiction treatment - but they’re not a pill.

Buying or Leasing a New Location? What to Look for in Addiction Treatment Real Estate Deals 

Finding right-sized real estate solutions to drive growth in your behavioral health or addiction treatment organization can prove to be very difficult.

AthenaHealth Causes Big Problems for Behavioral Health Group Practices and Outpatient Programs

With all of AthenaHealth’s merits, there are some serious cons to this software for addiction treatment group practice and outpatient program owners.

Therapy Notes Isn’t Right for Group Behavioral Health EMRs

Therapy Notes may not be the best choice for your small solo or group practice if you have an eye on expanding in the future.

How to Turn Your Group Practice Into an Addiction Treatment Outpatient IOP or PHP in Illinois

If you’re thinking of launching an outpatient program at your group practice in Illinois - whether that’s an IOP or a PHP style program - congratulations!

Turning Your Group Practice Into an Outpatient IOP or PHP Addiction Treatment Program in Pennsylvania? What to Consider.

Today, we’ll look at what it takes to launch an IOP program in Pennsylvania and look at how group practice owners can leverage their pre-existing business to achieve this goal.

How to Turn Your Group Practice Into an Outpatient Facility Offering IOP or PHP in New York 

According to SAMHSA’s interactive addiction treatment map, there are over 185 Intensive Outpatient Programs or IOP programs in New York State. If your group practice thinking of adding number 186?

How to Turn Your Group Practice into an Outpatient Addiction Treatment IOP or PHP Facility in Florida 

Wondering how to turn your existing group practice into an Intensive Outpatient (IOP) or Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) for addiction treatment?

How to Turn Your Group Practice Into an Outpatient Facility Offering IOP or PHP in Texas

So, you’ve got a successful group practice going in Texas! Congratulations. Now you’re thinking about transitioning your business into an outpatient facility offering IOP or PHP (Intensive Outpatient or Partial Hospitalization programs) for addiction treatment. This can be a very smart move — if you execute it carefully.

What Are the Most Used Addiction Treatment CPT Codes in Texas?

The most common CPT codes used in Texas addiction treatment programs also happen to be the most common addiction treatment CPT codes used in the rest of the country. They are: H0001HF, H0004HF, and 96164HF.

How to Turn Your Group Practice into an Addiction Treatment Outpatient Facility Offering IOP/PHP in California

Are you a physician or mental health professional in a group practice in California? Amid so much demand and increasing pressure for additional behavioral health resources in the Golden State, have you considered transforming your organization into an outpatient addiction treatment facility?

5 Ways Your Addiction Treatment Center Needs to Respond to COVID-19

With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the United States—and the rest of the world—it’s time to evaluate your addiction treatment center’s emergency response to the public health crisis.