intensive outpatient

Understanding HCPCS and CPT Billing Codes for Outpatient Addiction Treatment: H0015, H2036, S0201, and S9480

The two most important codes to understand for IOP are H0015, alcohol and drug services IOP program, and S9480, Intensive outpatient psychiatric services, per diem.

Therapy Notes is a Bad Fit for Group Practice and Outpatient Programs Looking for a Behavioral Health EMR

Therapy Notes may not be the best choice for your small solo or group practice if you have an eye on expanding in the future.

How to Turn Your Group Practice Into an Outpatient Facility Offering IOP or PHP in New York 

According to SAMHSA’s interactive addiction treatment map, there are over 185 Intensive Outpatient Programs or IOP programs in New York State. If your group practice thinking of adding number 186?

How to Turn Your Group Practice into an Addiction Treatment Outpatient Facility Offering IOP/PHP in California

Are you a physician or mental health professional in a group practice in California? Amid so much demand and increasing pressure for additional behavioral health resources in the Golden State, have you considered transforming your organization into an outpatient addiction treatment facility?

What's the Average Length of Stay Per Level of Care for Addiction Treatment Patients with Kaiser Foundation Health Plans?

Although it is difficult to find information, especially current information, on the average length of stay Kaiser Foundation Health Plans will authorize for residential addiction treatment, there are some clues to be found in one 2018 report produced by the state of Oregon.

5 Ways Your Addiction Treatment Center Needs to Respond to COVID-19

With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the United States—and the rest of the world—it’s time to evaluate your addiction treatment center’s emergency response to the public health crisis.

What is the Intensive Outpatient (IOP) level of care?

IOP stands for Intensive Outpatient.  This type of care is used most in the behavioral health industry for the treatment of substance abuse issues.  It is also utilized for patients with mental health disorders. Most state licensing departments classify IOP as an outpatient service, requiring an outpatient license.  IOP can be 3, 4, or 5 days per week and normally consists of at least 3 hours per day of programming.