
Medicaid Unwinding and State Behavioral Health in California, Florida, Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia 

Today, let’s examine the likely outcome of Medicaid unwinding on behavioral health patients in California, Florida, Ohio, Texas, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Georgia. 

How to Turn Your Group Practice Into an Outpatient Facility Offering IOP or PHP in Texas

So, you’ve got a successful group practice going in Texas! Congratulations. Now you’re thinking about transitioning your business into an outpatient facility offering IOP or PHP (Intensive Outpatient or Partial Hospitalization programs) for addiction treatment. This can be a very smart move — if you execute it carefully.

What Are the Most Used Addiction Treatment CPT Codes in Texas?

The most common CPT codes used in Texas addiction treatment programs also happen to be the most common addiction treatment CPT codes used in the rest of the country. They are: H0001HF, H0004HF, and 96164HF.