If you have your sights set on opening an addiction treatment center or drug rehab facility in South Carolina, be sure to do your research and start the process early so that you can navigate the state regulations confidently.
Colorado ranks among the worst states in the nation for mental health and addiction issues. The remote nature of many parts of Colorado also means that access to quality, evidence-based addiction treatment in the state is compromised in many areas.
Maryland happens to be one of the most highly regulated states for addiction treatment providers, which means there are quite a few hoops to jump through when opening a new center.
Missouri is one of a dwindling number of states that does not require all addiction treatment centers to obtain a license or certification before opening. This makes it a very friendly place to start up an addiction treatment center for new providers.
Indiana has a long way to go before its population has access to adequate addiction treatment. Here’s what it takes to open an addiction treatment center in the state.