Like many places in the United States, Wisconsin is experiencing an increase in drug abuse and alcohol abuse along with a simultaneous lack of access to adequate addiction treatment.
For those looking to open an addiction treatment center in the state, it’s important to have statistics to back up your decision. Wisconsin has plenty of demonstrated need for an increase in services.
Read on to learn more about why Wisconsin makes sense as a location for your next addiction treatment center and what goes into opening a new center in Wisconsin.
What Drugs of Abuse Are Most Common in Wisconsin and What Type of Addiction Treatment Programs are Most Needed?
By the far the largest number of SUD patients in Wisconsin name alcohol as their drug of choice. Wisconsin ranks third in the nation for adult binge drinking.
Wisconsin has also seen a steep increase in opioid use and opioid overdose deaths in recent years, particularly in the southeastern part of the state, reporting 21.1 overdose deaths for every 100,000 residents. Wisconsin’s rate of opioid misuse is above the national average of 4.1%.
Cocaine is also an issue in Wisconsin, with 397 cocaine-related overdose deaths reported in 2020, with year-over-year growth in cocaine issues since 2014.
Amphetamines rank as the 5th most common substance used in Wisconsin in 2020, with roughly half as many amphetamine users as opioid users in the state.
African Americans make up a disproportionate share of overdose deaths in the state. Wisconsin’s addiction treatment landscape is underscored by a lack of culturally competent services for this population.
While Wisconsin is making moves to increase access to MAT, or medication-assisted treatment programs, NIMBY-led efforts in places like Milwaukee County are hampering those projects.
You’ll Only Be Required to Obtain State Certification for Your Addiction Treatment Center in Wisconsin if You Need to Accept State Funding or Medicaid Dollars
Wisconsin does NOT require all addiction treatment providers to seek state certification.
However, if your addiction treatment center wishes to accept Medicaid patients or wishes to receive any type of state funding, you will need to get your addiction treatment center certified in Wisconsin.
The Community Substance Abuse Services Standards of Wisconsin, which governs all the rules applicable to addiction treatment providers in the state, describes which organizations must seek certification in this section on “applicability:”
(2) Applicability. This chapter applies to each substance abuse service that receives funds under ch. 51, Stats., is approved by the state methadone authority, is funded through the department as the federally designated single state agency for substance abuse services, receives substance abuse prevention and treatment funding or other funding specifically designated for providing services under ss. DHS 75.04 to 75.16 or is a service operated by a private agency that requests certification.
Wisconsin Issues 13 Types of Certifications for Addiction Treatment Service Providers
Wisconsin issues 13 different types of certifications for 13 different categories of services. Because each state uses slightly different language to describe addiction treatment service providers, it can be difficult to understand what these categories mean - specifically - in the state of Wisconsin. To clear up that confusion, we’ve included a short description for each category in italics so you can easily identify to which category your addiction treatment center will likely belong.
Prevention services - prevention programs
Emergency Outpatient services - mental health and/or substance abuse hotlines or on-site crisis intervention services
Medically Managed Inpatient Detox services - medical, hospital-based detox
Medically Monitored Residential Detox services - nurse-supervised detox, outside a hospital
Ambulatory Detox services - outpatient detox
Residential Intoxication Monitoring services - “drunk tank” -style services
Medically Managed Inpatient Treatment - inpatient treatment at or physically connected to a hospital
Medically Monitored Treatment - 24-hour, residential, physician-supervised treatment. More popularly termed “residential treatment.”
Day Treatment - intensive outpatient with at least 12 hours of counseling per week
Outpatient Treatment - outpatient with less than 12 hours of counseling per week
Transitional Residential Treatment - peer-supported programming, with 3-11 hours of counseling, plus intensive case management
Narcotic Treatment for Opioid Addiction - methadone or other MAT clinic
Intervention Service - everything else: outreach, “problem identification,” referral, etc
The Fee Structure for Wisconsin’s Addiction Treatment Center Certification Program is Based on the Number of Services Your Organization Will Offer
If you’re only running a traditional inpatient program, without medical detox services, intervention services, outpatient, day treatment or transitional services, then you’ll pay an annual fee of $550 to maintain certification in the state of Wisconsin. After that, you’ll pay $250 to add a service, with each additional service added bundled in at an increasing discount. For 5 services under one roof, for example, you’ll pay $1350 a year. Every service after the first 5 services will only cost an additional $100 per year.
Thinking About Making Wisconsin the Home of Your Next Addiction Treatment Center? We Can Help!
Behave Health is committed to making it easier - and more profitable - to operate evidence-based, results-focused addiction treatment centers.
Get your free trial started today and see why more addiction treatment centers prefer Behave Health.
Need help with certification? Behave Health can also help direct you to the right resources for help with Licensing or Accreditation by either The Joint Commission or CARF. Mention to your product specialist that you’re interested in this service after you start your free trial!