If you’re interested in opening an addiction treatment center or drug rehab in Missouri, you probably already know that opioid overdose deaths in the state were up by more than 30 percent in 2020. The Northwestern Region of the “Show Me State” is consistently seeing the largest increases in drug overdose deaths, while the St Louis Metro region specifically generates more than 50% of the state’s drug-related fatalities. Fentanyl, in particular, is becoming an increasingly worrisome problem in Missouri and novel harm reduction programs have found some pushback in the state even as the crisis continues to worsen. African-American populations—especially those in and around the St. Louis region—are particularly hard hit by addiction issues in the state.
With all of the SUD-related suffering in Missouri, the state is currently working on a sizable settlement with manufacturers and distributors of addictive opioid pharmaceuticals in an effort to improve access to services for its citizens.
Missouri is one of a dwindling number of states that does not require all addiction treatment centers to obtain a license or certification before opening. This makes it a very friendly place to start up an addiction treatment center for new providers.
Read on to learn more about what goes into opening an addiction treatment center in Missouri.
Missouri Does Not Require All Addiction Treatment Centers to Seek Certification - But There is a Catch
Missouri only requires some addiction treatment centers to obtain a license or certification from the state. Missouri’s Division of Behavioral Health requires certifications from all SUD centers and mental health service providers that wish to receive state funds or participate in other public funding programs. However, if you intend to operate your center as private pay only and you don’t intend to seek grants or other state funds to support your center, you do not have to seek certification in Missouri.
Note That Missouri Currently Has a Backlog of Applications and is Placing New Ones on Hold
If you’re reading this post any time between September 22, 2021 and April 1st, 2022, pay keen attention to this section.
Missouri’s Division of Behavioral Health is suspending processing of new applications until April 1st, 2022. It’s website cites a backlog of current applications as well as a preparation process for “implementation of additional monitoring activities” as the cause for this “moratorium on initial applications.” The Division will still accept your application during this time, but it will not assign a Certification Specialist to your application until after April 1st.
When the state does reopen for application processing, expect delays as specialists work through a backlog of applications that no doubt collected during the office closure.
For Those Seeking Certification, Missouri Draws a Distinction Between SUD Treatment Programs With and Without Psychiatric Services
Every state has different ways of dividing up the categories of behavioral health services providers.
In Missouri, providers who offer both psychiatric services as well as SUD treatment operate by a different set of rules from providers who only offer SUD treatment and prevention programs.
It makes sense to determine which category your addiction treatment center will fall under during the certification process so that you can familiarize yourself with the appropriate set of rules in advance of completing your application.
In Missouri, the Certification Process for Accredited Addiction Treatment Centers is Different From the Certification Process for Non-Accredited Facilities
During the state certification process, Missouri rewards addiction treatment centers who have already received accreditation with a recognized national body - like CARF, The Joint Commission and the Council on Accreditation - with a truncated application.
The Non-Accredited Agencies Application for Certification has an extensive list of requirements for addiction treatment centers seeking certification without third-party accreditation. On that list, you’ll find such requirements as:
Policy and Procedures manual
Building, Fire and Safety Inspection certifications
Certificate of Good Standing with Missouri Secretary of State
Board meeting minutes for the last 12 months
By laws
Fed Tax ID
Quality Assurance Plan
Quarterly and Annual Reports
Performance Improvement projects and/or reports
Fee schedule
Annual budget
Insurance policies
Menus for the last three months
List of all staff that have access to medication
Dietician credentials
Orientation packets
Program schedules
Agency brochure
Org chart
List of current sites with contact information
Meanwhile, addiction treatment providers who have already been through an approved third party certification process have a much shorter list of requirements on their application. And, no, accredited providers do not need to provide such unusual information as monthly meal plans or dietician credentials!
Does Missouri Seem Like a Good Bet for Your Addiction Treatment Center? We Can Help!
Behave Health is committed to making it easier - and more profitable - to operate evidence-based, results-focused addiction treatment centers.
Get your free trial started today and see why more addiction treatment centers prefer Behave Health.
Need help with certification? Behave Health can also help direct you to the right resources for help with Licensing or Accreditation by either The Joint Commission or CARF. Mention to your product specialist that you’re interested in this service after you start your free trial!