Due Diligence — Behave Health Blog | Addiction & Behavioral Health Insights — Behavehealth.com

Due Diligence

Introducing Behave360 Professional Services for Addiction Treatment Startups

We are excited to announce that Behave Health is launching a new effort to expand and consolidate our startup consulting, accreditation, and licensing services under a single umbrella, called Behave360. 

Opening an Addiction Treatment Center in South Carolina? Prepare for a Challenge

If you have your sights set on opening an addiction treatment center or drug rehab facility in South Carolina, be sure to do your research and start the process early so that you can navigate the state regulations confidently.

Quick Start Guide to Choosing a New Addiction Treatment CRM

Congratulations on your decision to explore a new CRM (customer relationship management system) for your addiction treatment center!

You’re making a smart move to protect your bottom line by enhancing the efficiency and productivity of your organization.