Facility Operations

Buying or Leasing a New Location? What to Look for in Addiction Treatment Real Estate Deals 

Finding right-sized real estate solutions to drive growth in your behavioral health or addiction treatment organization can prove to be very difficult.

How to Increase Patient Portal Engagement in Addiction Treatment Clients (and Why it Matters)

Without patient portal use, addiction treatment planning, medication management, patient-provider communication and alumni engagement all suffer. 

5 Most Common Mistakes Owners Make When Opening an Addiction Treatment Group Practice

Considering opening an addiction treatment, behavioral health or even mental health group practice? Congratulations! What you do at this moment will have lasting effects on your business for years to come.

What is 'Meaningful Use' and ‘Interoperability?’ Why Does it Matter for Addiction Treatment EHR Users?

Let’s define “meaningful use” and “interoperability” and take a look at what these terms mean in a behavioral health context.

AthenaHealth Causes Big Problems for Behavioral Health Group Practices and Outpatient Programs

With all of AthenaHealth’s merits, there are some serious cons to this software for addiction treatment group practice and outpatient program owners.

TheraNest's Failure to Support Addiction & Mental Health Inpatient & Outpatient Facilities

TheraNest consistently receives high ratings for its functionality in solo and small group practice settings, but can it keep pace with the demands of larger group practices and outpatient programs?

SimplePractice: Not an Easy Fit for Group Practice or Outpatient Behavioral Health Providers

Growth minded addiction treatment organizations should understand the limitations of SimplePractice before committing to this EMR.

Therapy Notes is a Bad Fit for Group Practice and Outpatient Programs Looking for a Behavioral Health EMR

Therapy Notes may not be the best choice for your small solo or group practice if you have an eye on expanding in the future.

Building Your Addiction Treatment Outpatient Program? Behave Community Helps Where Psychology Today Can’t

Here’s why Behave Community fills the gap for behavioral health professionals who want more out of their networking, referral partnerships, and marketing efforts.

Behave Community is Now Up and Running in 7 States!

Behave Community, the virtual meeting place for addiction treatment executives and professionals, has officially launched in 7 states: Montana, Minnesota, New York, Tennessee, Minnesota, and Washington.

Hands-Free Clinical Documentation for Mental Health Providers is Here: Dictate Your Notes With Speech to Text!

While speech to text is a highly intuitive and easy-to-use feature, there is an adjustment period or “learning curve” to making the switch from typing clinical documentation to dictating the majority of your clients’ SOAP notes.

Ai and ChatGPT Enabled EHRs are a Game Changer for Addiction Treatment 

As with most things “technology,” the behavioral health community is behind the curve with the adoption of ChatGPT enabled EHRs. 

50% of EHR Text Is Just Copy and Paste? Here’s What That Means for Addiction Treatment Providers and Why it Matters

So-called “boilerplate” notes are an open secret in the addition treatment community. But has copy and paste gone too far?

Qualifacts Versus Behave Health: Similar Behavioral Health EMRs with a Few Major Differences

Qualifacts and Behave Health both serve addiction treatment providers and other behavioral health organizations, but they have different philosophies when it comes to their customer base.

Why Are Addiction Treatment Centers Less Likely to Use EHRs Than Other Mental Health Facilities? 

Did you know that addiction treatment facilities have one of the lowest penetrations of EHR usage of any healthcare provider type?

Your Questions About AI Assistant for Behave Health, the All-In-One EHR for Addiction Treatment, Answered

So many exciting things are coming out of the Behave+ Software Innovation Lab these days, but our AI Assistant for Behave Health is probably our biggest accomplishment to date. 

Medicaid Unwinding and State Behavioral Health in Montana, Minnesota, New York, Arizona, Colorado, Tennessee, and Washington

Medicaid unwinding state montana minnesota new york arizona colorado tennessee washington

Nearly 40% of Medicaid enrollees meet diagnostic criteria for a mental or behavioral health condition. As federal requirements to retain all Medicaid enrollees during the pandemic begin to fade or “unwind,” it’s the states themselves that have control over the fate of millions of Medicaid enrollments. 

Let’s look at how these changes are playing out in 7 key states: Montana, Minnesota, New York, Arizona, Colorado, Tennessee, and Washington. 

Montana: State Medicaid Updates During the Unwinding of Continuous Enrollment

Medicaid enrollment in Montana flourished during the pandemic and the continuous enrollment period. 

Historically, Montana has a bad track record for Medicaid accessibility. The state denies more applications than most, so it’s expected that the unwinding process in Montana will result in many uninsured residents. States have 12-14 months to complete the “unwinding” process, but Montana has decided on a 10 - 12 month “unwinding” or reprocessing of Medicaid eligibility. 

Montana’s Department of Public Health and Human Services began checking for Medicaid eligibility in April 2023

Minnesota State: Unwinding Updates for the Phase-Down of Continuous Enrollment

minnesota medicaid unwinding continuous enrollment

Minnesota released its “Plan to Unwind Continuous Eligibility Coverage” in February 2023. It outlines the history of pandemic-era changes as well as effects on enrollment and then goes on to name challenges to name “renewal challenges” like budgetary constraints, workforce problems and other barriers to state-provided health coverage. 

The plan provides useful details for those anticipating possible changes to their enrollment eligibility. Eligibility will be reprocessed according to the month in which enrollee’s initially applied. They will begin with those who first enrolled in the month of July. Those enrollees will see a determination made beginning sometime in March 2023. MinnesotaCare renewals are slated for quarter 4 of fiscal year 2023.

New York State: A Three Phase Medicaid Unwinding Plan

New York state has created a toolkit to help New Yorkers understand the unwinding process and navigate health care in the post-COVID world. 

New York’s unwinding plan is a three phase one: first, they’ll spread awareness of important coming changes to Medicaid. Second, they’ll help every enrollee update their contact information with the state so that they can communicate renewal information effectively with individual enrollees. Third, they’ll help New Yorkers through the redetermination process and/or help former enrollees migrate to more appropriate coverage.

Arizona: 600,000 Medicaid Patients At Risk of Losing Coverage During Unwinding

Arizona began the Medicaid unwinding process in April 2023. 

Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System AHCCCS maintains a dashboard containing all the states’ information on this post-COVID change. According to a useful factsheet for Medicaid unwinding in Arizona, more than 600,000 members are at risk of losing their Medicaid and/or KidsCare coverage in the state, due to redetermination criteria and invalid personal contact information.

Colorado: About 80% of Members Should Remain After Medicaid Unwinding

Colorado’s Medicaid program swelled by up to 500,000 new members during the pandemic but it is slated to shed quite a few of those new additions soon. 

The state has gone on record saying that it believes that roughly 80% of current Medicaid enrollees will remain after the great disenrollment program is complete. That said, “hundreds of thousands” of enrollees could lose their Medicaid coverage - whether that’s Health First Colorado, or CHP+, the Child Health Plan Plus - during the unwinding process as it’s slated in Colorado. 

Tennessee: Medicaid Unwinding Likely to be Catastrophic for Many in This Non-Expansion State 

tennessee medicaid unwinding non-expansion behavioral health addiction treatment

Along with Wyoming, Texas, Kansas, Wisconsin, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina, Tennessee is one of the 10 states in the union that has not adopted the ACA Medicaid expansion. That means that enrollees in this state are vulnerable to a “coverage gap” where poverty-level residents may not be “poor enough” to qualify for the state’s ultra-low Medicaid income requirements but “too poor” to qualify for ACA marketplace coverage subsidies. This is a policy issue where the state is essentially signaling they believe the federal government should cover these individuals, while the federal government is signaling the opposite - that the state should pick up the bill.

This makes Tennessee’s Medicaid unwinding plan to be a highly disruptive one for many vulnerable people in Tennessee.  

Washington State: Medicaid Unwinding Likely to be Less Brutal in This Medicaid Expansion Early Adopter

washington state continuous enrollment medicaid unwinding behavioral health

Washington state, like most other states, saw a huge growth in the number of Medicaid enrollees during the pandemic, in part due to Medicaid expansion. The state was an early adopter of Medicaid expansion in 2014. Currently, Apple Health (Washington’s name for its Medicaid program) ensures well over 2 million people. Those individuals with incomes that have shifted below 138% of the federal poverty level will soon lose their coverage due to the Medicaid unwinding process now underway in the state. 

Working to Understand Medicaid Unwinding in Your State? Behave Health is Here to Help.

Behave Health is committed to making it easier - and more profitable - to operate evidence-based, results-focused addiction treatment centers.

Our all-in-one app puts clinical, administration, staff, admissions, alumni, residents, treatment plans, billing, insurance authorizations and more - all at your fingertips.

Get your free trial started today and see why more addiction treatment centers prefer Behave Health.

PS. Just getting started with behavioral health? Need help with certification, too? Behave Health can also help direct you to the right resources for help with Licensing or Accreditation by either The Joint Commission or CARF. Mention to your product specialist that you’re interested in this service after you start your free trial!

Understanding the EMR Needs of Christian Recovery and Rehab Centers

 It’s becoming increasingly difficult to find a software solution that is a good fit for faith-based addiction treatment.

Comparing Bestnotes With Behave Health: Which EMR is Right for Your Addiction Treatment Facility?

Take a look at how Bestnotes and Behave Health compare in terms of behavioral health EHR utility, value and ease of use.

Welligent or Behave Health? A Side-By-Side Comparison of Two Top Behavioral Health EMRs

If you’re shopping for a new EHR (or EMR) for your behavioral health organization, it’s likely that you’ve come across Welligent and Behave Health, two of the top comprehensive software solutions purpose-built for addiction treatment and other behavioral health settings.