Insurance Billing

4 Tips for Developing Outcome Tracking for Your Addiction and Mental Health Treatment Organization

You already know your treatment center is providing excellent care, but do you have the numbers to back it up?

Anecdotal evidence is no longer enough to convince prospective clients and their families to trust your center with a life-and-death behavioral health crisis.

It’s Never Been Easier to Open a Treatment Center. Here’s Why.

Thinking of opening a drug rehab center or sober living house?

Good news—your timing couldn’t be better. Now is a great time to get into this industry and start making a difference in your community!

3 Secrets of Efficient Insurance Billing for Drug Rehabs

People in the behavioral health industry are usually passionate about helping others—but they’re not usually passionate about completing paperwork.

Very rarely do we hear our clients utter the words “I love medical billing!”

But the truth is, insurance billing is the lifeline of any behavioral health organization. Do it well, and your business has a chance to succeed. Do it poorly, and you definitely set yourself up for failure.

Insurance Is Supposed to Cover Addiction Treatment, But It's Still a Nightmare (Vice)

During an overdose epidemic so large that it is cutting overall life expectancy in the US, you’d think that insurance companies and the healthcare system would be bending over backwards to get people into evidence-based treatment—especially since we have two drugs that are proven to cut the death rate by at least half. In reality, they are doing the opposite. And the barriers they place in the way of treatment are killing people.

What is the Intensive Outpatient (IOP) level of care?

IOP stands for Intensive Outpatient.  This type of care is used most in the behavioral health industry for the treatment of substance abuse issues.  It is also utilized for patients with mental health disorders. Most state licensing departments classify IOP as an outpatient service, requiring an outpatient license.  IOP can be 3, 4, or 5 days per week and normally consists of at least 3 hours per day of programming.

Denials:  The bane of every treatment center’s existence

Let’s face it, denials may be the absolute worst thing to find in the mail, especially if you’ve just opened.  It is discouraging and disheartening to find out you won’t be paid for someone’s treatment; even if it is only one date of service.

Verification of Benefits 101: who, what, where, when and why?

A verification of benefits is the first vital piece of admitting a patient to your facility.  If they don’t have benefits for the treatment they receive, there will be no reimbursement. There are a number of things that can be found out on a verification call; information about patient responsibility, what services are covered, etc.

To be in-network or not to be?

To be in-network or not to be?  This is a question for which many behavioral healthcare facilities struggle to find an answer.  There are so many things to consider before signing any contract, but it can be difficult to know what those things are.  Ultimately, it comes down to the choice of the facility decision-makers, but there are a few things to consider during the process of making a decision.