revenue cycle management — Behave Health Blog | Addiction & Behavioral Health Insights —

revenue cycle management

Is Your Addiction Treatment Organization Spending Too Much Money on Collections?

Like the old saying goes: “you’ve got to spend money to make money.” 

No where is that more true than with addiction treatment billing and collections. 

The 5 Big KPIs You Need to be Tracking For Addiction Treatment Billing

Being able to “take the temperature” of your revenue cycle is an important piece of running an efficient addiction treatment billing program. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) help you track how your organization is doing from month-to-month, quarter-to-quarter, or year-to-year.

Low Insurance Reimbursement Rates? 4 Reasons Your Addiction Treatment Center Isn't Getting Paid

Got low reimbursement rates?

So many providers in the addiction treatment community tell us that one of the biggest struggles in the industry is battling insurance companies for reimbursement.