As a state with huge swaths of rural land, Nebraska faces addiction treatment challenges common with other midwestern and southern states, namely making treatment accessible to people in rural areas. 87% of Nebraska counties have been labeled “Mental Health Professional Shortage Areas' ' and a whopping 33 counties in Nebraska have zero behavioral health providers of any kind.
With methamphetamines and synthetic opioids, like Fentanyl, on the rise, overdose deaths in Nebraska have jumped 35% year-over-year, with over 200 recorded overdose deaths in 2020.
Despite the provider shortage and the recent surge in overdose deaths, more Nebraskans are seeking addiction treatment help than ever before. Marginalized populations, and racial minorities in particular, are seeking treatment at rates that outstrip any other group in Nebraska. However, the current treatment options in Nebraska are not tailored around this change. Experts are calling on addiction treatment providers to develop more culturally responsive programs to address this particular need in the state.
While services remain concentrated in the metro areas around Lincoln, Omaha and Grand Island, other areas - like North Platte - struggle to meet the demand for treatment services. If you’re thinking of opening an addiction treatment center in Nebraska, take a look at the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services map detailing all existing behavioral health providers in the state. This will help you gauge what services are already available in what areas to avoid duplication of efforts and maximize the success of your facility.
Despite the challenges, Nebraska represents a strong opportunity for those looking to open an addiction treatment facility. Let’s take a closer look at what it takes to open a drug rehab in the state.
Do All Addiction Treatment Centers in Nebraska Need to Get Licensed by the State?
In short, no, not all centers need to be licensed by the state of Nebraska. Here’s a list of the types of addiction treatment organizations that do not need a state license to operate in Nebraska:
Outpatient programs of any type
Self-run, self-help style programs (AA groups, etc)
Community sober living facilities (Oxford model homes)
Treatment provided in private practice by licensed professionals
All other facility types will need to obtain a license in Nebraska.
Nebraska calls all addiction treatment centers “Mental Health Substance Use Treatment Centers.” When you apply for your license, you’ll specify whether you treat addiction only, mental health problems only or a combination of both. Most providers see enough dual diagnosis patients that they receive a license to treat both addiction and mental health issues.
There is no extra cost for licensing for both services in Nebraska, you just need to be sure that you are meeting the state regulations for both types of facilities. Title 175, Chapter 18 covers the state requirements for SUD treatment and Title 175, Chapter 19 covers those governing the treatment of mental health issues.
What are the Fees Associated with Licensing an Addiction Treatment Center in Nebraska?
Good news: the licensing fees for addiction treatment providers in Nebraska are extremely reasonable.
Initial application fees and renewal fees are billed at the same rate in Nebraska. Unlike other states that have a flat “per bed” fee, Nebraska has a modified fee schedule based on three facility size categories, as measured by the number of beds.
For facilities with 16 beds and under, the fee is $250. For facilities with 17-50 beds, the fee is just $275. For facilities consisting of 51 or more beds, the fee is only $300. These fees are incredibly low compared with the several thousand dollar fees levied against addiction treatment centers by some states.
Does Nebraska Require On-Site Inspections Before Granting a License to Addiction Treatment Centers?
Yes. After you’ve submitted your application, a representative from the state will conduct an on-site inspection of your facility within 30 days of receipt. You can’t just show the inspector through an empty building, either. You need to set up the facility and have it ready to operate in every way possible before the inspection occurs.
After you’ve gotten through your inspection, received your state license and opened your doors, you can expect surprise visits from inspectors from time to time to check in on your facility and make sure you’re still in compliance with state regulations.
How Do You Apply for an Addiction Treatment Center License in Nebraska?
Unfortunately, Nebraska doesn’t make their addiction treatment center licensing application available online. You have to contact the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services directly in order to begin the process. You can email them at or you can call their licensing office at (402) 471-9607.
Nebraska is Ready for You to Open Your Addiction Treatment Center. Are You?
Behave Health is committed to making it easier - and more profitable - to operate evidence-based, results-focused addiction treatment centers.
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