Anyone looking to open an addiction treatment center in Mississippi has a big job ahead of them.
Like most places in the nation, Mississippi is struggling with the influx of fentanyl and the ramifications of the over-prescription of dangerous opioids. We can see this reflected in state data. Of those seeking treatment for addiction in DMH certified facilities, opioids were listed as the primary substance of abuse for over 63% of patients.
Opioid Addiction is a Major Issue Facing Addiction Treatment Centers Looking to Open in Mississippi
The Mississippi Bureau of Narcotics reports that, in 2020, between 508 and 440 Mississipians died from drug overdose. While 211 of those deaths were comprised of “white males,” it’s important to note that people of color—and men of color in particular—were overrepresented in the data relative to population size. In a state with a small population like Mississippi, 508-440 deaths is an extremely high number, especially when you consider that the entire population of the state is only 2.9 million.
Mississippi’s geographic location is an important consideration when looking at the overall picture of addiction patterns in the state. Mississippi’s in-state corridors form a central connection for the southeastern United States. Because of its central location near Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas and Tennessee, Mississippi is a hotspot for drug trafficking. This spells easier access and cheaper prices for drugs of abuse, which leads to increases in local rates of addiction.
When these factors are considered, it’s easy to see why Mississippi is in dire need of more addiction treatment providers. Today, let’s dig into what regulations are in place in Mississippi for addiction treatment centers and learn what it takes to open a drug and alcohol treatment facility in the state.
Mississippi Does NOT Require Most Addiction Treatment Centers to Get Licensed or Certified With the State
If you’re interested in opening an addiction treatment center in Mississippi, here’s some good news: You do not need to seek state certification or licensing in Mississippi in order to operate an addiction treatment center in the state. While most states do require some type of certification and/or licensing process, Mississippi allows most addiction treatment centers to open without the extra red tape.
Mississippi Does Require Very Specific Types of Addiction Treatment Organizations to Get Certified
Mississippi’s Department of Mental Health does make a few exceptions to this rule. Here’s a few types of addiction treatment programs that do require DMH certification in Mississippi:
Community-based agencies run and supervised by the State Board of Mental health
Community Mental Health Centers run by “regional commissions”
Agencies of any type that receive funds through grants from DMH
If You Intend to Collect Medicaid Dollars at Your Mississippi Addiction Treatment Center, You’ll Likely Need to Get Certified
While the Department of Mental Health’s website makes it clear that certification does not guarantee approval for state funding, getting your addiction treatment center certified with the state does make it potentially eligible to participate in Medicaid reimbursement programs. Centers that don’t seek certification may not receive any state funding in Mississippi.
You’ll Want to Review Mississippi’s Operational Standards Before You Open Your Doors to Patients - Especially if You’re Planning a Community-Based Facility
While Mississippi doesn’t offer would-be addiction treatment center operators an online hub or centralized library of resources and procedures, it does offer an exhaustive document entitled “Operational Standards for Mental Health, Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Use Community Service Providers.” This guide speaks specifically to community-based facilities that need to seek certification in the state, but if your addiction treatment center is considering accepting Medicaid patients, you’ll want to review this information, as well. The standards go into detail about how to prepare your certification application, what fees are due, and what to expect at your site visit.
Need Help Opening Your Addiction Treatment Center in Mississippi?
Behave Health is committed to making it easier - and more profitable - to operate evidence-based, results-focused addiction treatment centers.
Get your free trial started today and see why more addiction treatment centers prefer Behave Health.
Need help with certification? Behave Health can also help direct you to the right resources for help with Licensing or Accreditation by either The Joint Commission or CARF. Mention to your product specialist that you’re interested in this service after you start your free trial!