If you’re looking for a location for your addiction treatment center that is filled with potential patients, look no further than Louisiana. Sadly, Louisiana has been hit harder than most states by the opioid epidemic. A history of reckless opioid overprescription, natural disasters and, now, pandemic-related despair pushed overdose mortality up 56% in Louisiana in 2021. Tragically, the CDC reports that Louisiana saw more than 2100 overdose related deaths in the last year.
While the state has made strides in some facets of addiction treatment - like legalizing fentanyl test strips in heavily affected parishes - federal statistics demonstrate that only 1 in 20 citizens with SUD receive treatment in Louisiana. Access to adequate, culturally responsive treatment is an ongoing issue in Louisiana.
Today, we’ll look at what it takes to open an addiction treatment center in Louisiana, as well as what goes into the state licensing process for substance abuse programs in the state.
Any Organization Providing Addiction Treatment in Louisiana Must be Certified by the State - Including Yours
When you read the handy rules document outlining basic standards for addiction treatment in Louisiana, affectionately known as Substance Abuse, Addiction Treatment Facilities Minimum Standards, you’ll discover that all addiction treatment centers in the state must be licensed before treating patients.
§7403. Licensing A. General. Any facility which presents itself to the public as a provider of services related to the prevention and/or treatment for abuse/addiction of controlled dangerous substances, drugs or inhalants, alcohol, problem or compulsive gambling, or a combination of the above is required to have a valid and current license prior to admitting any client.
The only exceptions to this rule are state facilities and hospitals, nursing homes or “federally owned facilities,” like jails.
Louisiana Calls Addiction Treatment Centers and Drug Rehabs “BHSPs”
Every state has their own terminology for addiction treatment centers. There is no standardized language that is used nationally to refer to organizations that provide help for those with substance use disorders. Knowing each state’s terminology is helpful when you’re researching what goes into opening an addiction treatment center in any given state.
In Louisiana, addiction treatment centers are called behavioral health service providers, or, most commonly “BHSPs.” This acronym is unique to Louisiana. Interestingly, organizations that provide mental health services, but not addiction treatment services, are also called BHSPs in Louisiana. All of the same state regulations apply to both types of organizations.
All Louisiana Addiction Treatment Facilities Providing Care for OUD Must Offer An Opioid Agonist Like Suboxone as a Treatment Option
In 2021, Louisiana passed a law that states that all residential addiction treatment providers who treat opioid use disorder must not only provide “onsite access” to overdose reversal drugs like Naloxone, but also “onsite access” to “at least one form of FDA approved opioid agonist treatment,” like Suboxone. This effectively means that you cannot run an exclusively “abstinence-only” program based on the Minnesota Model in Louisiana.
Here’s What You’ll Want to Include in Your Addiction Treatment Center’s Licensing Application in Louisiana
Louisiana makes it pretty easy to apply for addiction treatment center licensing. Their application is available online. They also provide would-be treatment centers with a handy application checklist to help you keep track of all the required attachments you’ll need to include in your application.
When it’s done, your application should include:
A letter of intent
A written Plan of Professional Services
A completed application
Your application fee
Approval from the Office of Planning and Review (if applicable)
A floor plan sketch
Public health, Fire Marshal and zoning approvals
State Methadone Authority approval (if applicable)
Proof of liability insurance
Governing body information
Financial disclosures
Org chart
You Only Have Six Months to Complete the Addiction Treatment Center Licensing Application Process in Louisiana
The state requires that you complete your on-site survey within six months from the date of submission of your application. When you host state representatives during the survey, you’ll need to be “fully prepared” to begin providing services to clients. Every part of your program, from clinical details to physical plant condition, needs to be patient-ready. That said, the state does not allow you to actually begin admitting patients until after you’ve completed the licensing process.
Let Us Help You With Your Louisiana Addiction Treatment Center
Behave Health is committed to making it easier - and more profitable - to operate evidence-based, results-focused addiction treatment centers.
Get your free trial started today and see why more addiction treatment centers prefer Behave Health.
Need help with certification? Behave Health can also help direct you to the right resources for help with Licensing or Accreditation by either The Joint Commission or CARF. Mention to your product specialist that you’re interested in this service after you start your free trial!