Like other states on the East Coast, Virginia has been hit hard by the opioid epidemic. Virginia declared a public health emergency in 2016 in response to the opioid crisis. In 2020, Virginia saw four citizens pass away from an opioid overdose every day. Overdose deaths have increased at least 17% each year since 2019. Roughly 7.53% of Virginians report using illicit drugs in the last month, which is slightly below the national average of 8.82%.
Sadly, Virginia is on track to set a new record this year for drug overdoses. 2620 Virginians will die from drug overdoses in 2021, which represents a 13% increase in overdose deaths from 2020. Overdose rates jumped the highest in the Richmond area of Henrico County.
Virginia has a fairly robust regulation system governing addiction treatment providers in the state. Licensing is required to operate a drug rehab in Virginia, and there is a waitlist to have your application reviewed for licensing. That said, Virginia is close to Washington DC and other population centers on the East Coast, making it an ideal place to locate an addiction treatment center. Read on to learn more about what addiction treatment providers are up against when they set their sights on opening a center in Virginia.
Yes, Virginia Requires a State License for All Addiction Treatment Centers and Rehabs
Although some states still do not require licenses to operate drug rehabs, Virginia is not one of them. According to Virginia Administrative Code 12VAC35-105-30:
A. Licenses are issued to providers who offer services to individuals who have mental illness, a developmental disability, or substance abuse (substance use disorders) or have brain injury and are receiving residential services.
All Addiction Treatment Center Licensing is Handled by DBHDS’s Office of Licensing in Virginia
The Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services (DBHDS) oversees the state licensure program for addiction treatment centers.
The DBHDS grants three types of licenses:
A conditional license - This is a temporary 6-month license that’s issued to a new provider on the condition that they demonstrate compliance with regulations within 6 months.
A provisional license - These licenses are issued to providers who have failed to comply with regulations. It is also 6 months in duration, with the expectation that the provider makes progress towards compliance in that time frame.
A full license - This is typically the license that new providers will be seeking. These licenses are sometimes issued for up to three years at a time to providers who demonstrate full compliance with all regulations and requirements.
Policy Review Specialists at DBHDS are Very Picky About How Addiction Treatment Centers Submit Their Applications for Licensing
In the 55-page long application packet for licensing addiction treatment centers in Virginia, you’ll find a lot of highly specific - and one might say, nitpicky - instructions about how to format your application.
Virginia emphatically does not want you to submit your materials in plastic cover sheets or permanent binders. All attachments must be paginated in very particular ways. Headers and footers must be established on all attachments. Page numbers are required. Every attachment must be dated and that date must reflect its most recent version.
The list goes on.
The Path to Licensure for Addiction Treatment Centers in Virginia is a Six-Step Process
Some states have three steps. Virginia has six!
Step 1 - Submit the licensing application and all attachments. You will be placed on a waiting list for review of your application. You can view the waiting list, which is updated on the 15th of every month.
Step 2 - A policy review specialist looks over your application and requests revisions if necessary.
Step 3 - The Policy Review Specialist grants initial approval of your application. This is when you complete background checks and submit final copies of your policies and procedures manuals, as well as other materials.
Step 4 - You are assigned a Licensing Specialist, who will complete an on-site review.
Step 5 - At this point, you may request a “Pending Letter,” which can serve as your “authorized” or temporary license until your final license is approved by the DBHDS Commissioner.
Step 6 - You finally receive your finalized license in the mail.
Don’t Forget About the Waitlist for Addiction Treatment Center Licensing in Virginia
Virginia is not known for a quick application processing turnaround time. You’ll likely notice in step 1 of the aforementioned application process that you’ll need to check a waitlist to see where your application ranks in order of priority for DBHDS.
This waitlist is updated on the 15th of every month. As of this writing, it’s an 8 page document with over 350 entries. It’s anybody’s guess as to when your application will begin to be processed.
Opening an Addiction Treatment Center in Virginia? Behave Health Can Help
Behave Health is committed to making it easier - and more profitable - to operate evidence-based, results-focused addiction treatment centers.
Get your free trial started today and see why more addiction treatment centers prefer Behave Health.
Need help with certification? Behave Health can also help direct you to the right resources for help with Licensing or Accreditation by either The Joint Commission or CARF. Mention to your product specialist that you’re interested in this service after you start your free trial!