How to Get an Addiction Treatment Center Licensed in Your State—PART 2

Getting your treatment center licensed in your state is an important part of building credibility for your business.

In Part 1 of this series, we covered how to get an addiction treatment center licensed in California, Arizona, Kentucky, Maine, North Dakota, Montana, Wisconsin, and West Virginia. Be sure to check out that post if you are looking for how to get your center’s launch off to the right start in those states. 

In Part 1, you learned that the process for getting licensed varies widely from state to state. There is no one-size-fits-all procedure or licensing agency to make your rehab “official” in every state. Each state organizes their licensing process differently. 

Today, we’ll look at six more states—Wyoming, Texas, Nevada, Vermont, Alaska, and Ohio—and learn how to get an addiction treatment center licensed in those locations, as well. 

Licensing an Addiction Treatment Center in Wyoming 

Wyoming Department of Health’s New Provider Certification Procedures offers everything you need to know to license your addiction treatment center in Wyoming.

Wyoming has the highest concentration of detox programs in the United States. They are also in the top ten for the number of rehab facilities in the state. 

In Wyoming, the Behavioral Health Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse is responsible for state certifications. All providers who deliver substance use disorder services—including those who provide court-ordered rehab—must get certified in Wyoming. Any rehab that receives state funds also needs to be certified by the state. You can find instructions for new treatment center provider certifications in Wyoming here

Licensing an Addiction Treatment Center in Texas 

Texas Health and Human Services handles all applications for addiction treatment center licensing in the state.

Texas has the second-highest number of residents of any state in the United States but it has one of the smallest concentrations of rehabs and detox facilities in the country. This makes it an attractive place to open inpatient and outpatient rehabs.

If you want to open an addiction treatment center in Texas, you must go through Texas’ Health and Human Services department. All rules regarding certification are governed by Chapter 448 Substance Abuse Standard of Care Rules - Pursuant to §448.401(h)in Texas. You can read more about applying for substance abuse facility licensure in Texas here

Licensing an Addiction Treatment Center in Nevada

Nevada’s addiction treatment licensing process is all hosted online.

In Nevada, the process for getting an addiction treatment center licensed is hosted completely online, which many applicants find convenient. Nevada’s Bureau of Healthcare Quality and Compliance handles all new treatment center applications.  

In order to complete an application, you must submit a plan review packet, a food establishment application for the kitchen permit, and a checklist for treatment facilities.

You can apply for a new license in the state of Nevada here

Licensing an Addiction Treatment Center in Vermont

Vermont is the smallest state but only organizations that seek state or federal funding must apply for addiction treatment center licensing there.

Vermont’s laws regarding addiction treatment center licensing are governed by the Vermont Department of Health’s rules and regulations, namely Substance Abuse Treatment Certification Rule Chapter 8 – Alcohol and Drug Abuse Subchapter 4. Only organizations that wish to seek state or federal funding need to apply for licensing in Vermont. 

Organizations must submit an application signed and dated by the addiction treatment center’s Executive Director or Board President. 

Licensing an Addiction Treatment Center in Alaska

Alaska’s Division of Behavioral health handles all rehab licensing.

In Alaska, all rehabs are licensed by the Alaska Division of Behavioral Health.

All of Alaska’s rules for addiction treatment providers are laid out in Alaska State Legislature’s Alaska Admin Code Chapter 70. The state has very specific requirements for how to run addiction treatment centers—from how to craft a treatment plan, to the type of staff you must hire, to the types of accreditations you must seek. In order to maintain your state license in Alaska, your center must have Joint Commission, CARF, or COA accreditation or you must prove the validity of an alternative type of accreditation.  

Ohio has different rules for different kinds of treatment center licenses.

Licensing an Addiction Treatment Center in Ohio 

In 2017, Ohio had the second-highest drug overdose rate of any state in the union. This understandably makes it a popular place to open inpatient and outpatient rehab centers.

Licensing an addiction treatment center in Ohio is done through the state’s Department of Mental Health and Addictions Services. Ohio has separate rules and licensing processes for Opioid treatment facilities as well as Medically Assisted Treatment programs. 

Don’t Leave Your Addiction Treatment Center’s Success to Chance 

There’s a lot to think about when you’re researching how to open an addiction treatment center in your state. From insurance billing, to bed management, property management, to patient EHRs—it’s easy to get overwhelmed by the details and lose the big-picture focus. 

BehaveHealth specializes in helping addiction treatment executives just like you easily organize their businesses with an all-in-one cloud-based software solution designed especially for the behavioral health space. 

Why not get your free trial today and see what it feels like to have the most powerful tool for addiction treatment organizations in your pocket?